Secure Your Career Path And Excel During Recession

Your sitting there saying to yourself - it is impossible I've tried, you can't have your cake and eat it too - my Mum was right, this chick doesn't know what she is talking about. That's okay I totally understand, just give me about 5 minutes.

Here are 10 tips to help you achieve the nirvana-like state of mutually inspiring work life balance. And yes it IS possible, as I know from 12 plus years coaching high-performers to achieve more while having & enjoying a life!

Life is always changing and I need to be flexible so I can adjust quickly to what is going on around me. Sometimes issues are work related and other times they are home related.

And then there are those certain kinds of people who just seem to take and take. You probably know the type-those people who never stop involving you in the drama of their lives. Gossipers and venters can drain your energy quickly. If you have certain people in your office or outside work, think about limiting the time you spend around them.

Make the most of your time. Time management plays a big role in our quest for work-life balance. If you're at work, list down the things you need to accomplish for the day according to their priority. If it's your time for the family, have fun, play with your kids or eat together. In other words, spend quality time with your loved ones.

You can also do this exercise on your feet, playing with how the weight rests on your feet, distributes between each leg, etc. As you practice doing click here this, even a few times a day, you will find yourself able to tell more easily where your balance is, and when it is out. Even better, though, every time you do this exercise you are instructing your body in a very positive, compassionate way on how it is supposed to be. A good balance will eventually become second nature. When you bring this awareness to the alignment of your posture, you will find that as your body increases its balance, so does your life.

Do you find that you always want to be helpful, and find it difficult to say 'no' to people? You may find that by getting better at saying 'no' to people, you may find that you have less to get through at work & and at home.

There is only one place you can aim to have balance or manage things from. That is from your own life and your own perception. The attitude with which you approach things can very much be within your control, the way you decide to view things, the way you interpret situations to yourself, the self talk you allow, the stance you uphold and the beliefs you harbour. Thinking before you speak, seeing a glass half full, learning to say no and living in integrity are all to do with a kind of conscious living that will fulfill and balance you to a point that you enjoy life with gratitude whilst you are going places, loving your work within a lovely life.

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